CustomFOTO is a business that has been around for quite some time. When the company was first starting up, it was just a small operation, and it was very simple to build their own website. In the beginning, they built out a lot of their business on word of mouth advertising by having pictures of their products on blogs. After several months of using these marketing tactics, they started seeing results. Then the real work started for them.
The business had many opportunities to expand into other businesses as well, but they felt that they had done what they were good at. They hired two people, Steve and Tom, and they made a few decisions to grow their business even further. They started building an online gallery that featured pictures of their items, which they called the gallery site. Then, they made a business plan and they started looking for a domain name for it. The guys did a little research into what options were available on the internet and eventually came across something called a free website builder.
This is when the guys discovered about the fact that they could actually make their own website in a matter of minutes with a free website builder. They had a basic website and everything was fine. It was only when they got to the part where they set up the design and started designing the graphics and images that they started to think about expanding their business even further. So, once they got the basics of it all figured out, they decided that they wanted to expand to the Internet. They quickly learned that there are many ways for them to do this and that they would have to make their own decision.